速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Chinese Driver License PRO

Chinese Driver License PRO




目前版本:0.15 beta

版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:中国上海市杨浦区凤城六村 (Fengcheng Liu cun, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China)

Chinese Driver License PRO(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the Chinese Driving License Test App with questions updated to 2015!

Chinese Driver License PRO(圖2)-速報App

To drive in China you need to pass a Theory Test. After having studied everybody needs some practice, you can find many online website to train but this handy, comfortable app will allow you to test your knowledge with real questions everywhere you are.

Chinese Driver License PRO(圖3)-速報App

▶ Questions are presented in the category order or random order, and the question where you fail more are the one that will be repeated the most often. Now you can bookmark the most difficult questions and train with just them.

Chinese Driver License PRO(圖4)-速報App

▶ The PRO Version has no advertising, all the 960 questions divided into 12 categories and some more features. The free version comes with 453 test questions, corresponding to the first 6 categories.

Chinese Driver License PRO(圖5)-速報App

▶ The app is in a beta stage, if you have some question or suggestion write me by email first (see my address below), I will be happy to answer to your feedback. If you find the app useful please support it by giving a ★★★★★ rating. It is easier for people who find some issue to set lower ratings than for people who appreciated to put a good one. The spelling and grammar mistakes are kept as in the real test. Please don't blame me for that.

For more information visit: http://www.china-driver-license.com/china/driver_license/foreign_citizens.html